Ogos 23, 2010


Zara : does anyone can explain to me the meaning of psikomotor?

Purpose is the development of psychomotor skills and physical ability of muscle.

OBJECTIVE psychomotor

Psychomotor aspects are related to physical movement. Teachers who teaches physical education will have control of movement members as a primary focus in teaching and training. In preschool and primary school, children are brought up to the control the movement of the ordinary in life, in the exercise. In addition to the students are trained for specific skills that are not performed in everyday life. For example, the dribble skills football game.

As the domain of cognitive and affective, psychomotor domain also has its own hierarchy as proposed by Simpson Taxonomy and taxonomic Jewett.

Simpson taxonomy divides the aspects of psychomotor into five levels:
i. observation
ii. preparation
iii. motion control
iv. mechanism
v. specific movements

While Jewett Taxonomy produce three main stages:
i. basic movement
ii. specific movements
iii. creative movement

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